Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Russian Blue - The Facts Every Owner Of This Cat Breed Should Know

Little is known about the true origins of the Russian Blue cat. Some think Russian Blues are a natural breed originating in the Archangel Isles in northern Russia. It is thought Russian Blues were brought to England and northern Europe in the 1860s. What is known is that Russian Blues were first shown at the Crystal Palace in England in 1875 in competition, but were not recognized as a separate class of cat until 1912. Though Russian Blues were brought to American in the early 1900s, interest in the breed did not develop until after World War II.

Russian Blues have striking green eyes and an expression that makes it look as if they are always smiling. They have a solid slivery blue coat that is short and thick and feels silky. In fact, it is this legendary silkiness that caused Russian Blues to be hunted for the fur at one point. Some Russian Blues are born with 'ghost stripes' that fade by adulthood.

Their coats do not require much grooming, though Russian Blues do enjoy being groomed by their human companions. Described as shy (especially around strangers), Russian Blues are still excellent pets especially for people and families with busy lifestyles. Russian Blues do not require or crave much human contact and are able to entertain themselves for hours at a time. However, they are affectionate and loyal towards their families. In fact, Russian Blues have been described as sensitive to their families and will try to lighten up the mood of the house by entertaining those around if necessary. They are good with children and other family pets, but do startle easily and prefer to be handle gently. Russian Blues are prone to obesity so it is important to monitor their diet.

There is a website that has great information on Russian Blue and most other breeds of cats. It has details that pertain to a cat breeds health, grooming, living conditions, best food choices and more, the website is called: Dog And Cat Facts, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2006

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet for over 5 years, and has been producing low-cost software for the past 25 years. He first released products on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's-80's.Alys Blog70130
Amalie Blog67704

The Importance of Accreditation

Accreditation is one of the most important factors when selecting an online high school program. Parents and prospective students should do their homework to ensure that a particular school is accredited by the right type of agency.

What is accreditation?

Accreditation is the process of reviewing an online high school's programs and policies to see if it meets certain criteria, generally set by an outside agency. When a school is found to meet the minimum criteria, it is granted accreditation.

Why is accreditation important?

Accreditation is meant to protect students, schools, and employers. It ensures that an online high school is teaching its students at a nationally acceptable level. When students receive a diploma from an accredited high school, they can be assured that it will be recognized by colleges and accepted by employers. Likewise, when a college is accepting students or an employer is looking to hire, they can be assured that a student or prospective employee has received quality training from an accredited high school.

Who can grant accreditation?

The truth is anyone can claim to have the power to grant accreditation to schools. Be aware that not all accreditation is equal. Accreditation from the wrong source can be just as bad as no accreditation at all.

Be sure to check whether your school is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. You can visit the department's listings of national and regional accrediting agencies. You can also check with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). CHEA is a non-government agency that recognizes accrediting agencies in the United States and helps to coordinate policy and research on accreditation issues.

What if my school isn't accredited?

If you choose an online high school that isn't accredited, you may find that many colleges and businesses won't accept your diploma. If you are taking a typing course, it might not matter. But if you are enrolling in an online high school program, you want the school to be accredited.

Take the necessary steps to protect your education. An online high school is designed to provide you with additional educational options, not to limit them.

Heather Brunson is a lead marketing writer for Allied Schools. She has a B.A. in Journalism with an emphasis on public relations. She has additional experience in technical writing.Anabelle Blog99203
Bertina Blog31746

10 Essential Steps to a Natural Diet

Learn how to transition to a healthy diet now (Part 1).

In this article, I'm going to go back to some basics. I will be giving you specific, concrete action steps you can take right now to transition to a healthy, hopefully raw or mostly raw diet. Even if you're a seasoned raw-foodist, I'm sure you will find some key insights in this article that will help you refine your diet and improve your program. These steps are in no particular order.

STEP #1 - *Workout and Exercise*

It's not possible to be healthy without being fit. We know that, at least intuitively, even if we tend to forget the importance of fitness in a healthy lifestyle, by focusing too much on the importance of diet.

But more importantly, your physical condition has a major impact on your digestion, assimilation, and overall nutrition. For example, your ability to uptake sugar, called insulin sensitivity, is greatly influenced by your level of fitness.

If you are sedentary, insulin sensitivity is greatly reduced. Therefore, sugar is not carried as rapidly as it should to the cells. This can lead to or worsen blood sugar problems of all kinds.

If you've read my book The Raw Secrets. You are aware of the importance of hunger in health. One problem is that most people do not eat when they are truly hungry, and mistake appetite for hunger. Once they learn how to make the distinction, they soon realize that they are rarely if ever truly hungry!

By exercising on a daily basis and eventually engaging in cardio-respiratory activities (jogging, cardio machines at the gym, cycling, etc.) every day, you will awaken that forgotten sense of hunger.

So exercise is very important, and the lack of a fitness program may be one of the reasons why you have difficulty eating a healthy diet.

STEP #2 - *Eat Fruit Before Each Meal*

One of the easiest ways to transition to a raw-food diet is to start eating fruit before every meal, including lunch and dinner. The idea is to eat fruit when you are the most hungry, which is at the beginning of the meal. Eat as much fruit as you desire then, and you will find that you will eat much less of the meal itself!

This is what I call an automatic transition strategy. Just start getting the raw-food in by eating fruit before each meal - just what your mom told you not to do when you were a kid. But now that you're a grownup and that the Standard American Diet didn't work for you, you need to go back to your natural instincts and satisfy your natural sweet tooth by eating as much fruit as you want before every single meal.

STEP #3 - *Learn to Make 7 Raw Food Recipes That You Enjoy*

It's been found that most people know about 7 to 10 good recipes very well, and just rotate them throughout the months, adding in other stuff occasionally for variety.

Or look at when you buy a recipe book. You might try many recipes but eventually you'll only retain a few that you'll continue making for the years to come.

So what I want you to know now is to find 7 simple raw-food recipes that you really like, that are easy to make and that are properly combined. (INSIDER TIP: My recipe book Instant Raw Sensations is just about that: )

Ideally, I'd like you to know:

About 2 dressings
About 2 great salads
2-3 smoothies you really enjoy
1-2 more gourmet recipes

Those 7 or 10 recipes should be things you can make often, with ingredients that are easy to find, and some of them should have an instant appeal to your friends and family.

You'll find that once you know what those recipes are, and you can make them without opening a book, that you'll be wondering a lot less often What should I be eating now?

STEP #4 - *Get Rid of Cheese and Dairy*

Improving your diet isn't about the things you ADD IN. It's mostly about the things we LEAVE OUT. I know this reality is hard to take, but even if you eat all these fruits and vegetables, drink those fresh juices and make those huge smoothies, you won't really feel great until you remove those offensive foods from your diet that are hurting you.

There's one thing you need to say goodbye to forever, and it's milk and cheese. In a previous article, I talked about the top-5 worst foods, and cheese was one of them.

Really, I see it all the time. People have this thing for cheese. They still eat it occasionally, and they still are addicted to it. (Actually, cheese contains some compounds in it that make it addictive for real, not just in your imagination).

If there would be just one category of food you could remove from your diet and feel much better for it, it's got to be cheese and milk.

STEP #5 - *Eat Fruit in the Morning or Skip the Morning Meal*

The morning meal is the easiest to switch to raw. Most people find that once they start listening to their body, they are actually not truly hungry in the morning.

I've watched how many children generally don't eat in the morning if they are left to themselves and not being force-fed.

My suggestion is that you can skip the morning meal altogether or replace it with a smoothie or some fruit. I know that this goes against all the advice you've heard about never skipping meals or that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What I'm telling you know is that this advice isn't based on any solid facts.

The breakfast is when you break the fast of the night, and this doesn't have to be at noon. In fact, the French word for breakfast means lunch, because for thousands of years the French didn't eat in the morning. When they started doing so, they had to come up with a new word for that meal so they called it small breakfast (petit dejeuner).

Skipping the morning meal or eating some fruit will help you get in touch with your true sense of hunger, which will make it easier to eat raw. Plus, it will be good for a while to help you detox and lose some weight (if that's an issue for you).

As you start exercising more, you will eventually get hungry in the morning, believe me!

Frederic Patenaude, is the author of the book "The Raw Secrets". Sign up for his weekly "Raw Vegan Tips, and as a bonus, get your free "raw recipe of the week". Visit while this bonus is still offered." Allie Blog20357
Cathy Blog67057

Dangers Of Illegal Computer Disposal

If your computer broke tomorrow and it was beyond repair, what would you do with it? Well chances are that after slamming it against the wall in a fit of rage, youre going to throw it in the trashcan in your garage. Alongside all the other non-recyclable trash your household created this week, the trash men will come pick it up, condense it in their truck, and dump it into a huge pile of waste. The huge pile of waste will be compacted even more, and then sent out to some island where all the huge piles of your garbage go. Sounds simple, right?

Sure, its simple enough; until a bird lands on your crunched piece of laptop and dies from exposure to the acid that leaked out of the battery. Gasp! Alright, you say to yourself, Ill take the battery out and burn it in my backyard instead of throwing it in the trash. Well unless youd like an explosion in your backyard, then no, you should NOT burn any old battery solely because you know is it wrong to throw it in the trash.

So what exactly do you do with this battery? How about all the other parts of the computer that still function? After you consider all of the minute details that go into making a computer work, and you realize that your computer might be broken beyond repair but that the tiny pieces could function perfectly in someone elses computer, it seems like a big waste to be disposing of the entire thing with one careless toss into the garbage. Not only would you be polluting the environment, adding to the amount of waste your family creates, and putting innocent animals at danger with the improper disposal of your computer, but you would also be wasting hundreds of dollars worth of useful items in a computer that can probably be refurbished anyways.

Aside from the battery leaking acid in a waste heap, other environmental concerns are with toner or ink from printers, glass pieces from tiny light bulbs, and other wires and metal pieces tangled inside every computer. Luckily, there are companies that deal with computer disposal or refurbishing to make your job a lot easier. If you feel the need to bash your computer against the wall in a fit of rage, simply wrap it up and send it to a computer disposal company who will, oftentimes for free, properly dispose of your computer. If your computer stops working or you simply care to invest in an updated version, then there are companies who you can send it to who will pay you for the parts that are still useable and will refurbish the computer so they can re-sell it or donate it to a low-income family or agency once it works again.

One might think, Well, I know of a charity that could really use my old computer. I will donate it on my own. Not so fast, buddy. Donating an older computer to an organization that you think could really use it doesnt always work out so well. In many instances, the computer will cease to work after a couple of months, and the organization might have to spend more money to repair it. It is poor etiquette to donate something when you are not quite sure of its value. If youd rather not give cash, some businesses will take your old computer and send the cash value of its remaining parts to an organization of your choice.

The bottom line is that there are many different things you can and should do with a computer that you no longer want as your own. For the same reasons that you taught your children how to recycle, that you turn off the lights when you leave a room, and because you try to take only as much food as you are prepared to eat at a buffet table, you should dispose of or recycle your PC properly.

Sam Brown, a environmentalist, specializes in solutions to help reduce waste. His primary interest lies in computer recycling & finding easy PC disposal businesses.Bee Blog25672
Athena Blog17165

Website Basics-Why Register Dot Mobi Domain Names?

Dot mobi domain names are here to stay. With todays society becoming ever more mobile, it makes sense that in the coming years people will more and more depend on mobile devices. Its already happening; people use their mobile phones and pdas for everything from scheduling appointments to making purchases to surfing the web. Consequently dot mobi domain registration is on the rise.

Just like dot com is the domain name ending for many Web pages on the wired internet, dot mobi domain names are the suffix for Web pages that are formatted for cellphones and other wireless devices. The principle behind the dot mobi domain name is that it will make finding websites designed for use on mobile or cell phones easier. It is also hoped that the release will herald a new age of mobile internet with the inclusion of industry standards. Above all else, though, the hope is that mobile Internet browsing and surfing will become as commonplace as the cell phone itself. Running a dot mobi domain name website could potentially be very profitable

The mobile Internet is virtually untapped. As the price war wages between mobile Internet providers and the quality of the mobile network increases, there is a very real chance that the majority of the population that owns a cell phone will start to regularly access the Internet through their cell phone browser. You could be one of the first to take advantage of what could be the next big communication revolution- dot mobi domain names.

Its pretty much common knowledge that at the present time trying to access most web sites on a cellphone is difficult if not impossible. This is because most companies web sites have not yet accommodated the scaled-down version that is necessary for mobile devices. Actually creating a dot mobi domain name site is very easy compared to a standard computer accessed dot com site, the tools used are little more than a text editor, which is good news for anyone with an idea for how to build a better mousetrap out there.

Even if you have no current plans to pursue a dot mobi domain name type website at the moment, you are well advised to register your current domain name also as a dot mobi domain name to protect your brand. Any worthy commercial site should plan to, if not already be in pursuit of, a mobile ready version of their site.

Lastly, some are interested in the dot mobi domain name as an investment vehicle, in remembrance of the original dot com land rush. And indeed there seems to be a mini land rush on for dot mobi domain names at the moment. Dot mobi registration is building momentum. There is some merit to this, but pick your categories carefully, as not every website is likely to transition smoothly over to mobile devices. And keep it shortremember, the dot mobi domain name is being typed into a cellphone!

With over 10 years experience in website creation, Richard James authors articles on this and related subjects to help take the mystery out of web building for the newbie. More articles can be found at RJ's website: This article is copyrighted, please do not alter in any way.Annnora Blog65551
Blondell Blog2012

Changing Trends Lead To Popularity Of Online Education

A 2005 research report states that enrollment in postsecondary distance learning courses has increased from 1.98 million in 2003 to 2.35 million in 2004. Why are so many Americans choosing to earn all or part of their college degrees online? Hectic schedules and time crunches may be part of the reason, but changes in social and work trends also contribute to career changes, and prompt many people to turn to online education.

Layoffs, Downsizing, and Displacement: A Springboard for Distance Learning

With rare exception, we no longer graduate college, go to work, and retire from the same company we originally went to work for. Downsizing, rightsizing, voluntary severance packages, and early retirement all add up to the same thing: Displaced workers who want to return to work, whether in the same or a new line of work. Homemakers displaced due to divorce must often join the workforce, and need to learn or update career skills. In an effort to recover, and sometimes restructure their professional lives, greater numbers of people are turning to distance education.

Quality Education Programs Available Online

If you want to take online college courses, but are concerned about the quality of distance education as compared to traditional classroom instruction, don't worry. A 2005 survey found that 63% of academic institutions offering traditional undergraduate degrees also offer distance learning. In addition 65% of institutions report using primarily core faculty to teach online compared with 62% of core faculty assigned to teach classroom courses. If you want to enhance your t career potential, or train for an entirely new profession, online education programs offer everything from individual courses to graduate degree and certification programs. Make sure the online education program you choose is properly accredited and offers academic and technical support, and then get started on your first online college course.

Karen Lawson is a freelance writer whose professional interests include postsecondary education and academic ethics. She earned her BA and MA degrees in English from the University of Nevada, Reno. Karen is a writer for Blog35222
Arlene Blog12923

Christian Dating - An Overview

In ones growing years, the need to have someone close becomes stronger. This is the time when people start dating members of the opposite sex. Earlier, matchmakers played the part of introducing two unknown individuals with common interests in hope of forming a lasting relation between them. In modern times, people rely on social meetings to meet new people. Christian dating slightly differs from the regular dating. Let us look at the aspects of Christian Dating.

Notion Of Christian Dating

Christian dating only differs to the extent that Christians looking for their life partner limit their search to the Christian community. This helps them to have a person, who shares their moral values. Again, Churches played a big part in acquainting Christian girls and boys. But this had certain limitations. So, in modern times, Christian dating sites have undertaken the responsibility of introducing and familiarizing Christian girls and boys with each other.

Facilitating Single Christians

Christian dating services have evolved in a big way over the past few years. These services, whether on the Internet or otherwise, have become an industry in its own right. Christian dating facilities are divided in various categories. Christians of varied age groups, professions or social standings can make use of these services and find a mate for them. Where to search for your partner, largely depends upon, what you are looking for in your partner.

Making A Match

Christian dating sites are usually of two kinds. One is where you find people, find out about their interests and hobbies, guess about their general nature, and contact them on the given contacts. The other kind of Christian dating site operates exactly like a matchmaking site. When you sign-up, you are required to fill a detailed feedback form, where you are asked about many personal details. This profile of yours is matched with the profile of another person, based on whether you share common interests, age group, live in the same city and think alike. Then the site gives you the opportunity to contact that person and try to form a relation.

Dating Made Simpler

With the concept of online dating catching up fast, youngsters find it much easier to meet and know new people. These sites ensure that we meet the right people, unlike befriending an unknown person, at an unknown place. Also, it is much safer to date people hailing from Christian dating sites, as they believe in the same Christian values. Even if a relationship does not work out, one can always put the past behind and move on.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Online Dating and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Christian Dating web site. For more articles and resources on Christian Dating related topics, online Christian dating services and much more visit his site at:Alexi Blog64607
Cate Blog8756

Smart Mortgage Shopping - 3 Steps to Take

Most people wouldn't just purchase the first car they look at, so why would shopping for a mortgage be any different? New would-be homeowners are looking for ways to simply just secure financing that they forget that they are the ones in control of their terms. To help you get the best mortgage deal for your current financial situation and for your future, here are three steps you will want to take.

Before you can take advantage of any of these steps, it will help if you to gain a basic understanding of the mortgage process and terms you might run across as you begin your search. There are a number of helpful books and websites you might want to look into that can help you begin to find your footing in this maze of mortgage-speak.

First of all, you need to look at the lending information from several different lenders. You have a number of options for borrowing money - credit unions, banks, thrift institutions, and mortgage companies. So, with those places in mind, you will want to start asking around for the amount of money that you will want to borrow to see what offers you might get. And while a mortgage broker can do this footwork for you, they will need to be paid for their services, which may not be something you want to pay. However, their services are worth it due to their experience and how many lenders they can access.

The next step in finding a mortgage is to start asking these lending institutions what kinds of terms they can offer you. The most important term that you will come across is the rate of interest. When you are purchasing a home, you will be paying not only money for the house itself, but also for the borrowing of the money - interest. This allows the lender to make money from your transaction as most interest is calculated over the time period and the amount of the loan. Thus, the longer and bigger the loan, the more money they will make. But since you're interested in paying for a home and not the bank, you will want to start looking for the lowest rates you can.

You will find that rates are divided into fixed and adjustable. You will want to make sure that the lenders are up front about how current their latest posted rates are. Note that fixed rates mean that your mortgage payments will not change, while adjustable rates will make your monthly payment vary. In addition to the interest rate, you will want to get a thorough explanation of the points and the APR associated with the lender to get a comprehensive idea of what a loan from them will entail.

The third step in shopping for a mortgage is often the most intimidating for the borrower and that's negotiation. You have a right to negotiate for the terms that you want, though you might not get them. It will help as you are looking at the various lending institutions if you begin to create an 'ideal' mortgage plan in your head. That way, you can talk to other lenders about what other institutions have offered you so that they can match that price or reduce their rates to attract your business.

You are in the driver's seat when it comes to your mortgage, so be sure to speak up when you think something is too high or ask for an explanation of every number that you see. If you're not happy, you can always look elsewhere for a lender.

Grant Eckert is a writer for is a leading provider of Mortgage Quotes | Mortgage RatesCandace Blog15085
Antoinette Blog98066

Three Places You Must Visit On The Face Of Earth

Its one of the most exciting that time of the year, where your family has to make that ultimate decision and decide on a couple places to vacation. Many families become tired of traveling to the same vacation spots year after year. Before choosing a vacation location there are at least three in the world that a family must visit.

If you havent been to Canadaits about time you pack some suitcases and be on your way. There are several places for the kids to enjoy themselves at the strips where there are arcades and much more.

If youre looking for a night out with your spouse youll be surprised at how many small romantic restaurants you find offering a variety of food. Even in the summertime Canada is never too, hot or too cold so theres perfect weather. Canada has a little something for everyone. There is one spot that men and women alike will enjoy is Edmonton, Canadas largest mall, its the largest shopping and entertainment centre. There are over 800 stores, 110 eating outlets and restaurant.

Surprisingly, there are still American adults who have never stepped foot onto the Miami Florida soil. This is perfect for someone who loves the warmth of the Florida, there is plenty of it. There are also plenty of beautiful beaches like Sunny Isle Beach- Complete with a mixture of entertainment, relaxation, places where you can surf, swim and fish this is the place everyone in the family will enjoy. Haulover Beach - This beach is definitely a family fun place. There are concessions, nice places for families to picnic.

As always theres surfing, sunbathing, swimming and theres a part of the beach thats clothing optional. Bal Harbour- BAL Harbour Beach is a place made for both the women and men. Theres shopping areas, spas and golf courses for the gentlemen. Miami just doesnt offer some hot beaches to enjoy but lets not forget Universal Studios is right nearby for the kids.

The Universal Islands of Adventure offers entertainment for every age. The Islands of Adventures has nightclubs and celebrity chef restaurants for adults traveling with children. There are block buster movies and much more. Islands of Adventures are one of the perfect places to go with the whole family.

Disneys Animal Kingdom- Animal Kingdom is a Kodak moment for the family where youre able to see the different kinds of animals, enjoy scary fun roller coaster rides and play interactive games.

Florida offers such more than words can describe, if your curiosity has been peaked just a little go and satisfy it by visiting Florida.. An action packed city with lots and lots of fun things to do you can have such a great time there you never want to leave.

Every day New York hosts several Broadway plays ranging from old school classic to modern day. You can even take the whole family with you and then afterwards enjoy dinner at the several classy restaurants around. For ladies who love to shop New York has plenty of discount stores that offer name brand clothes, pocketbook and jewelry for bargain prices. Theres strips, fireworks everything you can possibly imagine. If you are adventurous family looking to explore earths realms start off with these three amazing places.

Cathy Peterson writes about, and Blog70742
Annabelle Blog17826

Decorating Ideas for Small Rooms

* Make the most of decorating small rooms. Color plays a vital role in a small room. It sets the decorative style and scheme, but also can change the room's appearance. Use bright colors on the walls. Darker colors may be more popular but using bright colors makes a room seem more spacious. For example: Cool colors such as blues, greens, (some) purples make a small room appear larger and airier. The reverse is true of warm colors such as reds and yellows as they will make a small room seem more intimate and intense.

* A home decorating tip for integrating color into mostly white roomsblend, blend, and blend! There are many shades of white and cream that work nicely with "graduations" of accent colors. Visualize three shades of rosy pink pillows against a white sofa!

* Decorating ideas include painting the ceiling a lighter color than the walls. Use smaller patterns in wallpaper and furniture upholstery. Large patterns may be used in accessories such as pillows and throws.

* Select fewer, larger pieces of furniture to make a room appear more open and less cluttered opposed to putting lots of small pieces of furniture in the room. Taller furniture should be placed along a far wall while shorter furniture may be placed away from the wall giving a sense of spaciousness.

* The use of screens will help divide multi-purpose rooms in a small house or apartment. A bedroom or living room may have one corner as an office. A screen will provide privacy as well as hiding the trappings of the work area.

* Daybeds with a pullout trundle are the answer for small bedrooms. They will accommodate two people but take up less space in the room on a daily basis. The room can also be used as an office, craft room or quiet sitting room.

* Use textures for interest in a small room. Combining textures in your decor will give a small room interest, appeal, dimension and depth. Choose accessories and fabrics with texture for the best impact; for example: wrought iron, glass, stone, metal, chrome, copper, bronze, mirrors, detailed finishes, textured fabrics, shiny fabrics, and unique area rugs to mention a few.

* Mirrors are a great way to create an illusion of space. If you have a wall in front of the entrance as you enter your home, hang a unique mirror on that wall to open it up and add interest to the area.

*Quick change artist! Move furniture and furnishings around! Don't be afraid to rearrange items in your home. Just changing the accessories or pictures from room to room can bring about a huge change.

To help keep your beautifully decorated home organized, download a free copy of the ebook "The Essential Guide to Organizing Your Home". Go to for your free download.

Lynn CressyCarry Blog64485
Anny Blog66593

Kenya Airways: The Pride Of Africa

In the next 10-20 years, Kenya Airways aims to grow into a decidedly dominant carrier in Africa with a notable presence in Asia, Europe and the Americas while operating a modern fleet of new airplanes. Kenya Airways was on pace to become a world-class network airline by 2005.

Kenya Airways growing fleet

Despite the downturn in the aviation industry caused by events in 2001, the last three years have been a period of continued growth and innovation for Kenya Airways.

The airline began its growth spurt with delivery of its first Boeing 767-300ER followed by 2 additional 767s in June and July of 2001. In 2002, the carrier renewed its regional fleet with the addition of four new 737-700s, making Kenya Airways the first airline in Sub-Saharan Africa to operate 737-700 with blended winglets, retiring its last A310.

The Boeing 777s specs

The 777 is the most technologically advanced airplane in the world and is available in 5 models: the 777-200, a 777-200ER (extended range), a larger 777-300 as well as two as two longer ranger models, the 777-200LR and the 777-300ER. The 777s seat from 301 up to 368 passengers in a three-class configuration with a range of 5,210 nautical miles (9,649 km) in the 777-200 to 9,280 nautical miles (16,983km) for the 777-200lr (longer range).

The growth of Kenya Airways

As Africa passenger traffic growth to Kenya continues, so does the need for airplanes that offer more range, carry more passengers and that offer an improved level of comfort.

Kenya Airways is naturally following the growth path of many other long-haul carriers in the industry by improving its regional and international routes. Passenger demand is creating the need for more frequency and point-to-point routes to and from Kenya. With its new 767-300ERs and the recently acquired 777-200ER, Kenya Airways is improving its long-haul route networks from Nairobi to London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Mumbai, Bangkok and Hong Kong.

Kenya Airways Partnerships

Kenya Airways has grown its partnership with KLM, Northwest AIRLINES, Precision Airlines, East African Airlines and Air Malawi, giving passengers a choice of destinations in Europe, Middle East, Asia and the Americas. Not only are these partnerships beneficial to the passengers, the relationships also connect Kenya Airways to many global distribution networks that benefit its daily business operations. Kenya Airways continues to expand its horizons with partnerships and extending its route networks with the addition of new Boeing 777.

The U.S Awards for the 777 jetliner

On May 30, 1995, the 777 became the first airplane in aviation history to earn U.S Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval to fly 180-minute extended range twin engine operations (ETOPS) at service entry. On May 4, 1998, the 777-300 achieved another historic milestone by becoming the first commercial airplane to receive type certification and 180-minute ETOPS approval on the same day.

The new distinct look of Premier Class

Kenya Airways new Premier Class flat bed seats are giving passengers more comfort on long haul routes. It also includes large overhead compartments to provide passengers with increased stowage capacity. Out bound as well as centre stowage units are designed to open downward for convenient loading. When closed, they allow ample overhead clearance.

In-flight Service system

For improved more efficient in-flight service, Kenya Airways 777s are equipped with an advanced cabin management system. Linked to a computerized control console, the cabin management system assists cabin crews with many tasks and allows airlines to provide new services for passengers, including a digital sound system comparable to the most state of the art home stereo or disc players.

The 777 Awards

The industrial Design Excellence award was awarded to the passenger cabin of the new Boeing 777 jetliner, the first time the industrial Designers Society of America honored an airplane interior.

A world-wide survey of passengers flying long-range routes in first, business and economy classes revealed an overwhelming preference for the 777. The survey found that more than three out of four passengers who had flown aboard both the 777 and the airbus A330/340 airplanes preferred the Boeing 777.

The airline of the Year i.e. 4 years in a row

Over the last three years, Kenya Airways was awarded the airline of the year by the African Aviation, Africas leading industry journal for its continuous improvements of its products and services and upholding the highest safety standards of its products.

Kenya Airways is the flag carrier of the republic of Kenya operating scheduled regional and international passenger, cargo and mail services from Nairobi to Europe, India, Asia and the Middle East.

For more information on booking local flights on your holiday contact:

Robert Muhoho is a tour consultant in Kenya and has planned business and vacation safaris for over 10,000 tourists in the East African region. He is a tour operation- major and involved in National tourism policy development in Kenya.Barbie Blog62848
Blakeley Blog21113

Car Repair Prices: Why Your Oil Change Is Never Just An Oil Change

For a repair shop, there is little profit in the $29.95 oil change. By the time a shop pays its technician, pays for the oil, the filter, and the hazardous waste disposal fees, theres no money left.

This low profit margin is worsened by the extremely competitive Quick Lube business, which forces local repair shops to refrain from raising prices, despite rising costs.

This all begs the question: If oil change specials, which range from $15.95 to $29.95, clearly produce very low profits, then why do so many service facilities advertise oil change specials?

The answer is actually very simple: It gets you in the door. Service centers know that once they have your vehicle, they can sell you additional work.

Suggesting additional work is called upselling, and its a primary profit tactic of every service facility.

Heres a typical example. You drop your vehicle off for just an oil change. Upon completion your service representative smiles and proudly states, We noticed that your air filter was dirty; so we popped in a new one. You may think "Great; what wonderful service!

What really occurred is that you were casually upsold an air filter. It probably wasnt needed; it certainly wasnt replaced according to any factory recommendation, and you were definitely overcharged for what was most likely a poorly-fitting, aftermarket, inferior air filter.

Heres a real-life example that occurred recently. This particular vehicle had 54,000 miles on it, and was dropped off at a local shop for just an oil change. Upon paying the bill, the customer was handed an estimate for $199 to replace his air filter and top radiator hose.

Shocked at the price, he called me.

After review, I found that the air filter suggestion was premature. It didnt need replacement until the manufacturers recommended 60,000-mile service interval. The top hose was also premature. In fact, it did not need replacement at all, despite a very minor problem easily addressed during the factory maintenance scheduleat no extra cost.

Check out the aftermarket part prices quoted below (including the unnecessary radiator hose). Compare these to the manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) for the factory OEM parts (Original Equipment Manufacturer).

Local Shop Aftermarket Air Filter: $32
Manufacturer OEM Filter, MSRP: $17

Local Shop Aftermarket Top Hose: $36
Manufacturer OEM Top Hose, MSRP: $19

Notice that this local shop was doubling the price of the OEM parts with its inferior aftermarket parts.

Now, lets look at the labor time quoted.

Local Shop Labor Time: 2.0 @ $60 per hour = $120
Manufacturer Labor Time: 0.9 @ $60 per hour = $81

Notice that the shop labor time estimate for the repairs was 2 hours. This is more than "twice" the manufacturers recommendations (even after calculating manufacturer times against the industry standard multiplier).

Had the local shop abided by the vehicles particular maintenance intervals instead of trying to make a quick buck, it should have recommended a 60,000-mile service at the next visit. This would have better served the client, saved him $199, and maintained the vehicle properly.

Instead, the service center lost a customer, forever!

What needs to be made crystal clear is that this type of price-gouging occurs every day in every type of service facility in one form or another across the automotive service industry.

This type of price-gouging is considered normal!

Theodore P. Olson (Ted) Solutions. Brittni Blog32264
Alexia Blog81881

Oops! I Registered a Domain In Error - Can I Get a Refund?

Typing mistakes happen to all of us. The typo is with me every day. Even now as I'm typing - oops - typing this. But when it comes to registering a domain name it's important to carefully double check before hitting the "Go" button, because most registrars' conditions make it clear they will NOT refund domains registered in error.

But I've found that that's just not true.

ICANN accredited domain name registrars DO have a few days after registration (usually 3 days), during which they can reverse the transaction. They can't change the domain that was registered, but they CAN simply have it deleted altogether and refund your credit card the amount you paid.

So why don't they do it?

Well, let's face it, some registrars understandably feel that dealing with claims for domain registration refunds caused by typing errors is a waste of their human resources because the claims can't usually be automated.

Also, many registrars aren't properly organized to cope with these mistaken domain registration requests because they obviously need quick attention and their staff may not be trained to handle these requests efficiently. Plus some feel that if they openly state they are willing to provide refunds, it will be an open invitation to carelessness as domain name customers will know they can get a refund anyway.

So most registrars take the easy way out and publish conditions effectively saying "no refunds for domain registrations!".

But in practice it works out differently because of one fact...Registrars don't want to be faced with expensive chargebacks.

What's a chargeback?

Well, it's a fee, usually $40 to $50, charged by the credit card company against the merchant (the registrar), when a sale is not paid by the client.

For example, say the domain name costs $12 and if the customer refuses to pay, not only the registrar doesn't get that money, he additionally gets charged $40 to $50 by the credit card company. Ouch! And as the registrar passes on the charge to the affiliate partner, i.e. the domain registration service, obviously a chargeback is something to be avoided at all costs. So am I suggesting you threaten your domain registrar with a chargeback if you make a spelling mistake registering your next domain name?

Definitely not! If you do, your registrar will likely black-list your credit card and you'll need to look for another registrar or get another credit card.

So what is the best way?

First of all you need to act quickly. Email your registrar IMMEDIATELY you have registered a domain name in error, but anyway not later than 24 hours after registration. Tell him the exact name of the domain you registered and inform him politely that you made an error and request the transaction be canceled and you will then register the correct domain name.

You'll usually get a prompt response but if you don't, you should call your registrar 24 hours later to resolve the issue. Not all registrars will respond positively but most will.

And if you want to be sure you are dealing with registrars who do respond positively, here is the name of a company who WILL give refunds if you made a genuine mistake registering your domain name.

How do I know?

Well, I own this site and I'm your first line of support. I'll make sure you get a refund provided you've followed the guidelines in this article.

For more information about Fred Bunzl's domain name services, visit http://CheapToRegister.Info.Anita Blog88604
Aundrea Blog29932

Spiritual Life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Study of the Bible and especially the Gospel has become very popular during 19th and 20th centuries. One of the most interesting parts for scholars has always been the Gospel. Many people devote all their lives to the matter of studying it. One of those was Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Analyzing the Gospel Schweitzer came to an opinion that the main message of Jesus was eschatological. It basically means that Jesus believed that the approaching end of the world.

Schweitzer was a son of Lutheran pastor, which is probably why he got attached to the studying of Bible from his early years. In 1899 Albert Schweitzer received PhD in philosophy from the University of Strasbourg. He later taught theological courses at the same university. During his career Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote a number of books that greatly influenced some peoples view of God, Jesus, and Christianity as a whole.

One of the most famous books that Schweitzer wrote on the Gospel is The Quest of the Historical Jesus. Schweitzer observed that Jesus' apocalyptic message was simply too foreign and strange to be grasped by rationalistic, Enlightenment-influenced historical-critical scholars. While they observed the formation of an original mythology, Schweitzer only saw the mediator between God who asserted on his own divinity and the approaching of Gods kingdom. Jesus' parables, ethics and religious teachings, Schweitzer disputed, were all conditioned by the belief that the end of the world would occur during or curtly after Jesus' era.

Another important work of Dr. Albert Schweitzer is The Mystery of the Kingdom of God. As well as in The Quest of the Historical Jesus this book highlighted the apocalyptic message of Jesus. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God presented a completely new for its time and it greatly changed theological studies, and even still is often referenced by some theologians. According to Schweitzer, Jesus expected The Kingdom of God early in his ministry. It was actually supposed to be a Judgment Day for all people and it could have happened any time. Schweitzer suggested that Jesus expected for the end of the world to happen when he sent his disciples to preach the Kingdom, Repentance, and the Judgment. When it did not happen, Jesus understood that his own death was necessary. Thus, he did not anything to deter it but even encouraged that to happen. During the time of Jesus Passion he expected the Kingdom (which meant the actual end of the world) to come immediately after his death.

To protect his point of view, Schweitzer portrays Jesus as fundamentally mistaken in the things that he expected to happen, however, it does not mean that Jesus was wrong in his ethics. He supports the point with the following idea, In what relation, however, did [Jesus'] ethics and his eschatology stand to each other? So long as one starts with the ethics and seeks to comprehend the eschatology as something adventitious, there appears to be no organic connection between the two, since the ethics of Jesus, as we are accustomed to conceive it, is not in the least accommodated to the eschatology but stands upon a much higher level. One must therefore take the opposite course and see if the ethical proclamation in essence is not conditioned by the eschatological view of the world. in The Mystery of the Kingdom of God.

The Schweitzers point of view was widely acceptable during the 20th century. Currently, however, Schweitzers hypothesis was dismissed. Mainly because most of New Testament scholars nowadays believe that eschatological points were added much later in the history by the Church that somehow wanted to expand its influence and control over the believers. Most of Biblical scholars now think that Jesus teachings were aimed to help people live better lives (meaning spiritually) and in no case preaching that they will shortly die. Even though, we have a number of Schweitzers followers today that fully believe in doctors ideas.


1. Dale Allison. The Eschatological Jesus. October 1996 issue of Bible Reviews. Retrieved on April 5, 2005 from

2. Reviews of and Quotes From Dr. Schweitzer's Books. Retrieved on April 5, 2005 from

3. Albert Schweitzer. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God. 1914. Translated by Walter Lowrie. Prometheus Books, 1985

Jeff Stats is a staff writer at He specializes in writing college research papers, book reviews, admission essays, and other types of assignments.Alis Blog75365
Anastasie Blog9068

Preserving The Show Dog Shih Tzu's Coat

The Shih Tzus coat for the show rings requires extra care. Some show people actually keep their Shih Tzu confined and caged to preserve the coat, or they wrap the coat or oil it. Those who do keep their show Shih Tzu confined and caged pay a price in loss of muscle tone in their dogs. Not all show people practice these methods for preserving their Shih Tzus long show dog coats. It is also a myth that all show people do not allow their show Shih Tzu to go for long walks, to play and just in general to lead a normal life. For those who do allow their show Shih Tzu do lead a normal life keeping the coat glamorous requires a lot of extra effort, and much more grooming than for the pet Shih Tzu.

Coconut oil is considered helpful as a means of preserving the coat of a show dog Shih Tzu. If you do oil the show dog Shih Tzu coat you must remove the oil completely before each show. If you do not remove all the oil the coat appear limp and feel wrong. It can also be uncomfortable to be around a Shih Tzu that has been oiled. There are good oils on the market, however, that do not have this effect on the coat and it may be worth trying them if the Shih Tzus coat seems to need it. Wrapping the coat in tissue paper protects the Shih Tzus coat, but you lose some of the pleasure of seeing your dog in full coat with his hair flowing as he moves. I do think this is a beautiful, beautiful sight of the show dog Shih Tzu. The tissue wrapping sort of reminds me of the days when women ran around the house for house with their hair in curlers.

Probably the best thing to do if you are just starting out taking care of your Shih Tzu show dogs coat is to experiment with different methods of preserving the coat until you find what works best for your dog. Much the same type of procedures a pet owner must go through, although a lot more intense and time consuming as the Shih Tzu show do requires so much more in the way of grooming.

One thing is for certain if you start out with bad hair it is virtually impossible to make it good enough for the show ring. When purchasing your show potential Shih Tzu it is wise to study the lines to find out which have good hair in their genes. This way you can just continue to keep it looking good.

The topknot and whiskers also need very special attention on the show dog Shih Tzu. The white whiskers on a parti-coloured Shih Tzu must be really, really white to look good. It seems this is especially true for the black and white Shih Tzu.

Some older methods of keeping the whiskers white was to wash them at least once a day with a solution of boracic powder, a teaspoon to a pint of water. This mixture is wiped into the whiskers, being careful to get none in the eyes and then rinsed away. One of the keys to keeping whiskers white is above all to dry them immediately and keep them dry. An older method of drying them was to work in some fullers earth or talcum powder, brushing this out and repeating until the hair was absolutely dry. If you allow the Shih Tzu to dry his own whiskers he will rub and rub until dry doing nothing but harm to the length of the coat. Another problem you run into with all this washing is that the hair becomes dry and brittle. You will need to dress the whiskers with a little coat conditioner from time to time.

A method of preserving the hair of the topknot is to use several bands along the length of the hair to hold it to the back of the head. You can also plait the hair to achieve the same purpose. Use neither of these methods just before a show as both methods will cause kinks in the coat of which you do not want.

It is always wise to review the rules of the American Kennel Club about the use of oils and conditioners on the coat of a show dog. Any substance used to alter the natural color, texture or body of the coat is usually prohibited.

Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu Puppies for Sale. Visit us at and sign up for our newsletters. We have the Shih Tzu in a variety of colors, the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices.Camile Blog5969
Catherina Blog58284

New Learning Standards For Chicago Schools Kindergartners

Chicago schools educators were surprised during their teacher training session in mid-September with new state learning standards for kindergarten students. Previously, Illinois was one of 11 states that did not have learning standards for kindergarten. The state adopted standards for grades one through 12 in 1997 and even have specific early learning standards for preschoolers.

Setting academic goals for kindergarten students was not a priority, since attending kindergarten is not required in Illinois. Yet, all school districts across the state, including the Chicago schools, offer at least a half-day kindergarten program. In the school year 2004-2005, 146,000 children attended either a full or half-day kindergarten program, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.

The state began developing the standards a few years ago in response to many requests from kindergarten teachers, including many in the Chicago schools. They take a lot of pressure off the Chicago schools kindergarten teachers, who previously had to develop their own learning standards. The new standards eliminate the academic inconsistency that existed across the state, even between Chicago schools kindergarten classrooms.

The only downside is for Chicago schools teachers with half-day kindergarten programs. Many wonder if they can teach everything within the short time. Shelby King, a consultant who helped to develop the standards, believe they can. They just will not be able to teach at the same leisurely pace as the full-day programs.

The new standards are only guidelines for schools to use and are a mixture of educational and practical life skills, learned in a fun and carefree environment. They go beyond the usual basic reading and math skills, adding such skills as:

Phonics (being able to sound out three-letter words with two consonants and a vowel, such as the word cat), reading one-syllable and high-use words, knowing all capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet under the language arts standards;

Counting from one to 100; understand the concepts of more, less and equal; and solving basic math problems under the math standards;

Being able to describe the effects of forces of nature, such as wind, gravity and magnetism under the science standards;

Finger painting, Play-Doh sculptures, dance and familiarity with musical instruments are under the fine arts standards; and

The Physcial development and health standards include such things as:

o Ways to prevent spreading illness, such as covering your mouth when you cough and washing hands;

o Social and emotional development by learning to explore, share and work with others; and

o Ethical, safety and societal factors in making decisions, such as understanding that hurting others is wrong.

The Chicago schools teachers welcome the new state standards. Chicago schools officials hope they will assist Chicago schools students to perform better on state-mandated tests later during elementary school.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Chicago schools visit Blog48559
Belinda Blog77149

Stop telling your Children to Brush their Teeth

The nightly conflict

We have all heard the routine. Maybe last night was the last time you heard or were involved. It time for bed and the parent/s are at the usual bedtime routine.

Have you brushed your teeth, Billy?, comes the irritated parental voice. A kind of pregnant silence follows. The question comes again but this time there is more irritation.

Billy, did you hear me?? Have you brushed your teeth, yet??

No.., not yet, Mum come the muffled, yet noticeably exasperated reply.

Well, get to it, - straight away. I will be checking so dont try to skive off

O...K Mum!, Billys voice is resigned.

Ten minutes have passed and the voice from below stairs breaks the silence. Have you got your teeth done, Billy?

Just doing it now, Mum, calls back Billy with a sounding busy air, as he flicks the TV channel with the remote control.

Well hurry up about it, I want you in bed in ten minutes, right?

Right, Mum... Billy throws the remote on the bed and drags himself toward the bathroom. Stupid bloody teeth... so boring...who cares anyway... mutters Billy as he mindlessly goes through the motions with toothpaste and brush.

The shocked reaction

When I tell Mums and Dads to STOP telling their children to brush their teeth, they look at me as though I had just committed perjury. Some give me a quizzical look with a half smile waiting for me to admit that I was only joking. Others begin to laugh assuming that it is a joke. When I tell them that I could not be more serious, they are shocked and disbelieving that a dentist could speak these crazy words.

And whose going to tell them? some ask mockingly.

What kind of a parent would I be if I dont do my duty? one very caring mother asked me. Dont you think that that is a very irresponsible attitude for a dentist to have?

These are all very understandable reactions because my advice seems to go against all understanding and reason. Surely it is the solemn duty of all parents to make sure that their children are looking after their teeth. Parents are responsible for the care of their children. Parents who do not take this responsibility seriously are not behaving as good parents.

The simple explanation

The explanation for all of this is very simple. What I have said seems to make no sense and indeed many would call it insane. Yet if we are prepared to look in simple honesty, we will see that it is societys idea of how to teach and care for the childrens health that is actually insane. Let me be very clear, I totally agree that it is a parents responsibility to teach their children to care for their teeth. It is on the question of how to achieve that noble goal that I differ from society. All methods are evaluated on how well they can achieve the stated goal. We ask then what it is we want to achieve and then whether or not we are achieving it. If we are not achieving what we set out to achieve, it makes sense that we then re-evaluate our methods.

When we examine the exchange between Billy and his Mum, we can gain enormous understanding of what goes wrong, why it goes wrong and how it goes wrong!

First of all, Billy doesnt want to brush his teeth and has to be forced by his Mum. Why is that? Why does he not want to do it? Most people assume that this behaviour is typical of a child. They believe that all children are just like that and that it something in the make up of the child. It is true to say that the behaviour is common and scenes like this one occur in most homes up and down the country. It is worthwhile noting that this applies not only to tooth-brushing but to many other things as well. How many could relate to similar problems at the table with food. Do conflicts begin at the table with a parent saying something like -

Come on now, Lucy, eat up all your dinner. How do you hope to be healthy unless you eat properly?

Most people know these routines and are part of them in their lives one way or another. They believe that its just the way things are. Its one of the difficulties that parents just have to deal with. Its not pleasant, its not easy but it must be done. Many of these conflicts then spill over into conflict between the parents with one parent saying to leave the child alone and the other insisting that the teeth have to be brushed, dinner has to be eaten. Now the conflict often deepens as each parent feels unsupported by the partner and begins to hold a grievance against the other.

The Gentle Light of Understanding

This is the term that I always use to describe the way in which conflict is resolved by a deep understanding of the nature of the problem. It is through this gentle light that we can release ourselves from difficulty and bring resolution and peace. So how do we solve the problem?

We need to firstly acknowledge that our assumptions about the situation may be wrong. Secondly, we might then acknowledge that it would be better if we were wrong. By this I simply mean that if we are correct in our assumptions then things cannot change and the conflict is inevitable, whereas if we are mistaken in our assumptions then change can happen and with it the possibility for the resolution of the conflict.

The solution is to realise that the problem is not caused by the child but by the method that is employed by the adult. Essentially, it is the use of pressure, criticism or force. By getting on to the children to do something in this way, you engender negativity in the child and a desire not to want to do it. In the simplest terms the human tendency is to resist being pushed. If someone pushes you, you will tend to react by pushing back This is true of adults as much as children. If a child feels put upon or pushed he/she will resist. Therefore if we want our children to brush their teeth, we must stop getting on (pushing) to them to do it.

What should we do?

Simply allow the child to see that you brush your teeth and comment on how nice it feels to have clean teeth. They will soon want to experience it themselves and if the experience is positive they will want to make a habit of it. By being gentle with them and with your own brushing, teach them to be gentle. When they try, always encourage them even if they do not do well at first (nobody gets it right first time). Never comment negatively on their effort or criticise them no matter what! Say how nice they look with their teeth sparkling and I promise that you will have difficulty stopping them from brushing.

Suggest, help and praise but please, no force, push or criticism

Be gentle and fun but please not harsh or hard

Find always ways to praise the good and completely overlook the error


Children dont do what you tell them, they do what do!!

My name is Philip Christie. I qualified as a Dental Surgeon at Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland) in 1980 and completed a Masters Programme in Dental Science, again at Trinity College Dublin, by research in 1995. I have been working full time in dental care either in general practice or specialist practice since qualification. My main interest is and always has been prevention. Alexine Blog48269
Carlotta Blog34670

Chiropractic Is Responsable For The Rebirth Of Homeopathy In America

The history of homeopathy begins with the discoveries of its founder Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician. Hahnemann's first comments about the general applicability of the law of similars came in 1789.

Maybe the most prevalent reason that allopaths disliked homeopaths and homeopathy was expressed at a 1903 AMA (American Medical Association) meeting by a distinguished orthodox physician. "We must," he said, "admit that we never fought the homeopath on matters of principle; we fought him because he came into the community and got the business." Most physicians, even now, will not admit that economic factors play a chief role in what is practiced and what is allowed to be practiced. It only makes sense then that Hahnemann's principles constituted a philosophical, clinical, and economic threat to orthodox medicine.

The growing popularity of homeopathy in the United States started shortly after Hans Gram, a Danish homeopath, emigrated in the US in 1825.

The first homeopathic school in the US, the North American Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art, was founded in Allentown, PA, 1836 , by Dr. W. Wesselhoeft (1794-1858) .

Dr. von Lippe emigrating to the United States in 1839. He presented himself to the sole school of the homeopathic practice in this country - the old Allentown Academy of the Homoeopathic Healing Art. After assiduous application he was granted his diploma from

Dr. Constantine Hering (1800-1880), as President of the institution, on July 27, 1841. Dr. von Lippe filled the chair of materia medica in the Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania from 1863 to 1868 .

In 1844 they organized the American Institute of Homeopathy, which became America's first national medical society. In response to the growth of homeopaths, in 1846 an opposing medical group formed, which then vowed to slow the development of homeopathy. This organization called itself the AMA or American Medical Association.

Shortly after the formation of the AMA it was decided to eliminate all the local medical societies of physicians who were homeopaths.

In 1848, the Homeopathic College of Pennsylvania was established by Constantine Hering, Jacob Jeanes and Walter Williamson, to provide training in what was then an emerging system of medicine called homeopathy. In 1869, the Homeopathic College was renamed in honor of Samuel Hahnemann, one of the pioneers of homeopathic medicine, as Hahnemann Medical College. In 1982, Hahnemann Medical College gained university status as Hahnemann University. In 2002, the Drexel University board of trustees voted unanimously in favor of merging Hahnemann University into Drexel .

In 1849, the AMA established a board to analyze quack remedies and nostrums and to enlighten the public about the nature and dangers of such remedies.

In 1855, the AMA put into effect a "consultation clause" in their code of ethics which spelled out that orthodox physicians would lose their membership in the AMA if they even only consulted with a homeopath or any other "unorthodox" practitioner. This of course meant that if a physician lost membership in the AMA, that in some states he no longer had a license to practice medicine. The AMA did everything possible to eradicate homeopaths from the practice of medicine, and the effects of these actions are still felt today.

1875 marked the year Michigan legislature voted to give money to a new hospital as long two homeopathic professors were allowed to teach at the University of Michigan.

In a 1890 Harpers Magazine article Mark Twain mentioned the great value of homeopathy: "The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. Good old Mark also proclaimed "that you may honestly feel grateful that the homeopath survived attempts of the allopathists to destroy it."

By the early 1900s, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, over 60 orphan asylums and old people's homes and more than 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies in the United States.

In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation issued the infamous Flexner Report, an evaluation of American medical schools headed by Mr. Abraham Flexner and of course in cooperation with leading members of the AMA. While pretending to at least be somewhat objective, Flexner in his report established guidelines to endorse orthodox medical schools and condemn homeopathic ones. The report gave the most credits to medical schools with a full time teaching faculty and institutions that taught a pathological and physiochemical analysis of the human body. Homeopathic colleges did not get as high credits because there preference of employing professors who were not only teachers or researchers but also in clinical practice. Even though homeopathic schools included many basic science courses, they offered courses in pharmacology, which the Flexner report found to be a waist of time.

By 1906, the AMAs Council on Medical Education had created a list of unacceptable schools that in 1910, and closed hundreds of private medical and homeopathic schools and named Johns Hopkins as the model school. As you might have guessed, homeopathic colleges, in general, were given poorer ratings by Mr. Flexner's report. One of the implications of the report was that only graduates of schools that received a high rating were permitted to take the medical licensing exams. In 1900 there were 22 homeopathic colleges, by 1923 only two remained.

Between 1930 and 1975 it seemed that the AMA's oppression of homeopathy was complete. By 1950 all homeopathic colleges in the U.S were either closed or ceased to teach homeopathy. There were only 50 to 150 practicing homeopaths in the country, and most of them were over 50 years old.

A chiropractor, Dr. John Bartholomew Bastyr, N.D., D.C (1912-1995), was a third-generation homeopath from Dr. Adolph von Lippe. His teacher was Dr. C. P. Bryant (who had been, in 1939, president of the International Hahnemannian Association). C. P. Bryant had been taught by Walter Bushrod James who had been one of Lippes closest students. He received doctorate degrees in naturopathy and chiropractic from Northwest Drugless Institute and Seattle Chiropractic College, respectively. He became licensed to practice naturopathic medicine in 1936. He is also credited with being the Father of Modern Naturopathic Medicine. Because of Bastyrs influence naturopaths have been at the forefront of the rebirth of homeopathy in this country. He made sure that homeopathy shared equal emphasis with nutrition, hydrotherapy and botanical medicine in naturopathic education. Dr. Bastyr considered manipulation the most important therapy in his practice.

"Bastyr's conversion to homeopathy was an important move for the modern naturopathic profession. Homeopathy had been part of naturopathic medicine for decades, but its role had been much more peripheral. The majority of practitioners had not received such intensive, classical instruction as Bastyr. In the 1950's when Bastyr became involved in establishing and teaching a naturopathic curriculum at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, his balanced emphasis of homeopathy as a therapeutic modality coequal with nutrition, hydrotherapy and botanical medicine assured its place in the ongoing development of naturopathic science."

-Kirshfeld and Boyle, Nature Doctors, Buckeye Naturopathic Press, 1994

Naturopathy, which combined nature cure with homeopathy, massage, spinal manipulation, and therapeutic electricity, was developed in America largely through the work of Benedict Lust (pronounced loost; 1872-1945). From 1900-1938, naturopathic medicine flourished in America. Interest then declined, due to the emergence of miracle medicine, surgical advances during WWII, and the growing political sophistication of the American Medical Association (AMA). Chiropractic and naturopathy were taught together until about 1955 when the National Chiropractic Association stopped granting accreditation to schools that also taught naturopathy. In 1956, doctors founded the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in an attempt to keep the profession alive.

Dr. John Bastyr served as executive director. A chiropractor, naturopath and obstetrician, he began his practice in Seattle in the depths of the Great Depression; Bastyr was so revered as a physician and teacher that the Naturopathic College in Seattle was named in his honor. The key to Bastyrs legendary clinical successes lay in his basic philosophy. In a 1985 interview, asked to distinguish between naturopathy and conventional medicine, he said, The basic difference is that in naturopathy its not the doctor who does the curing, its the patient.

In 1978, after twenty years with only one legitimate college graduating naturopathic physicians (National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, OR), the first new naturopathic medical school, Bastyr University, was opened in Seattle, WA. In 1987, Bastyr University became the first naturopathic college to become accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education, which is the federally recognized accrediting agency for naturopathic medical colleges.

There are four recognized naturopathic medical colleges in the United States today: Bastyr University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences, and University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. There is also one in Canada, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Naturopathic medical training begins with a conventional premedical education. The student progresses to a four-year, scientificallybased medical school program. The first two years concentrate on standard medical school sciences such as anatomy, physiology, chemistry, etc. The second two years are oriented toward the clinical sciences, diagnosis and treatment. Standard medical techniques are taught along with mainstay naturopathic medical therapies. The end product of a naturopathic medical school program is a well-rounded family care physician that specializes in such therapies as: nutrition, botanical medicines, and homeopathy.

The Council on Homeopathic Education is the only organization that accredits training programs in classical homeopathy. To date, it has accredited five institutions: Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle; College of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada, Hahnemann Medical Clinic in Albany, California; the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, and the International Foundation for Homeopathy, also in Seattle. Notice that three of those are actually naturopathic schools fonded by chiropractors.

Brian Inglis (1916-1993), a distinguished British historian, commentator, and author of a two-volume work, The History Of Medicine, has declared: the rise of Chiropractichas been one of the most remarkable social phenomena in American Historyyet it has gone virtually unexplored (Inglis, THE CASE FOR UNORTHODOX MEDICINE, 1965). He was, at the time, unaware of the profound influence chiropractic would have on modern alternative medicine (CAM) as we know today.

Not only did chiropractic saved both the naturopathic and homeopathic professions from extinction in the United States, but it also brougth solid academic grounds for their development towards well recognized health sciences.

Dr Sylvain Desforges, B.Sc., D.C., D.O., N.D. :

Dr. Sylvain Desforges is a doctor of chiropractic, osteopathy and naturopathy.Bridget Blog46269
Belle Blog49645

Why own a Mall?

I work in a low pay, high demand job in London. For me, this means I hardly have any "me" time left when I go home. When I was refered to CB Mall by a friend, I was a little surprised when I just saw a simple looking page with a search field at the top. What I didn't know was that the wealth and clarity of the information contained there was of high quality and not misleading at all. Initially, I thought it was another one of the "Get rich" Scams (I'm sure you know what I mean), but after continuing to simply browse the site, I was pleasantly surprised

As I don't have a lot of time to waste searching and looking for things, it's refreshing that all I need to go is to CB Mall. It had everything I felt I needed to know, information products like:

* Secrets to Automatic Money-Making Online
* Secret Gambling Strategies and Techniques
* Dieting Secrets
* Quit Smoking Techniques
* Secrets to Attracting The Opposite Sex
* Increase health easily
* other books you wont find easily (trust me!)

I opted for one of these programs and I haven't looked back! To be honest, I don't actually need to work now, but because I love my job so much, I CHOOSE to work rather than HAVE to work. Wouldn't it be great if you could do that to if you felt like it?

What I do know is that there a literally thousands of scam websites that are there just to take your money and wave goodbye to you. Have you ever spent lots of money on "get rich quick" schemes only to end up embarrased that you've been swindled out of your cash? Me too, I hate the feeling. CB Mall only provides verified and bonafide sources, so you can feel safe in knowing that you'll have a substantial amount of return on your investment.

I believe that the idea behind CB Mall is that it brings to its customer information about a desired subject or the most searched subjects of interest, but mostly it offers programs that can actually make you money while you sleep.
So if the information in the store doesn't inspire you to make loads of cash, CB Mall will provide you with a fully automated system that you control and brings untold fortunes within minutes and without breaking a sweat!

Go there now and see for yourself. I think just by clicking on any subject, you'll see what I mean.

Prince Ogdoad is currently in full-time employment in the finance industry in London. When hes spare time, he enjoys researching internet strategies for building income. He can be contacted on digitalmonitor at Blog38375
Bellanca Blog52355

The Power Of Words

Have you heard the expression Be careful what you wish for - youll most likely get it? Id like to expand on that by adding not only are your thoughts critical to the manifestation of your reality so are your words.

Its not what you say but how you say it

There are words you most likely use each and every day which are perfectly acceptable in common conversion and yet can have detrimental effects on the manifestation of your reality. Your thoughts along with the words you choose to convey those thoughts sets up vibrations that are constantly being sent out to time and space around you. Like attracts like so naturally you begin to draw toward you those vibrations that match your frequency at a particular point in time space. You may not realize it but you are a magnet attracting those events toward you that ultimately manifest your reality. What this means for you is that you not only have to choose your thoughts carefully but also your verbalization of those thoughts.

Take for instance three very common words that we all use regularly in our everyday speech: dont, wont and cant. Realistically you could add additional words to the list such as no and try but these four letter words just seem to have a better ring to them dont you think?

So what is it about these words that make them so undesirable and detrimental to our well being? For starters they are words of exclusion. When you say these words you are conveying to the universe events or experiences you do not want in your life. Source energy however, doesnt understand the difference between like and dislike, positive or negative, right or wrong and quite frankly it doesnt care. Its job is not to judge but to deliver that upon which you focus your predominate thoughts. This is the basis of the universal Law Of Attraction which implies that you draw towards yourself, for better or for worse, those events that match the frequency of your predominate thoughts. It stands to reason then that instead of declaring what you dont want or wish to exclude why not frame it in terms of what you do want or wish to include? Start attracting towards you that which you do want instead of that which you dont want and watch how your reality manifests itself.

For example:

Johnny dont spill your milk, becomes, Johnny please drink your milk.

We want Johnny to drink his milk. No encouragement for spilling is necessary.

I cant figure this out, its too complicated, becomes, I enjoy a challenge and I will find the answer to this problem.

If you think you can or think you cant your right.

I wont go out with men that are losers, becomes, I appreciate the company of intelligent, sensitive and confident men.

Do you see the difference?

By thinking and speaking of excluding undesirables you inadvertently draw attention to it and thus draw it closer to your reality. Remember, always think and talk about what you do want, can have and will do and not what you dont want, cant have and wont do.

During the course of a typical day how many times do you think and talk about those events that imply dont, cant or wont? Include the many other words that have a similar effect like no and you get the idea. In reality precisely the opposite effect of your intentions are being manifested. The next time you find this happening to yourself try this simple exercise to empower your thinking and get you back on track towards manifesting the reality you truly desire. Just stop thinking! For a short time that is. The next time you find yourself experiencing events and emotions which are not empowering to you stop those thoughts and force your thinking to those thoughts that you find empowering. Any thought that makes you feel good is an empowering thought. When you feel good about yourself and the world around you then you know youre on track with your thinking.

Heres a simple, easy and quick aid to help straighten out your thinking. Ask yourself this question: What is my next thought going to be? and then wait. Focus all of your attention on the arrival of your next thought and nothing else. It may take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more before you experience your next thought. However long it takes thats okay. You just pressed your minds reset button and it might take a little while to boot back up so to speak. Notice any difference in your thoughts? Now concentrate on your empowering thoughts or the feel good thoughts. The power of the right words flowing from your mouth as a result of your empowering thoughts automatically attracts toward you the reality that you truly desire to manifest.

It takes time, patience and practice to become proficient in mastering your thoughts but its worth it and youre definitely worth it. Besides youll enhance your well being by being the best you can be.

To your continued prosperity,

Mike Manjin

Mike Manjin presents advice on self improvement and personal fullfillment. To discover more about powerful success principles please visit or for more information email him at Blog40908
Celestyna Blog45988

Computerization The Most Powerful Tool for Businesses Today

While the computer is a "tool" rather than a discipline, it is such an important, time saving tool that its proper and strategic use in modern business is critical to maximize information access and profitable decision making.

Small businesses today face growing inventory requirements, increased customer expectations, rising costs and intense competition. Moreover, if you plan to do business with the federal government you will need electronic commerce capability.

Computers can provide information that leads to better returns on investment. At the same time, they help you cope with the many other pressures of your business. Computers are not cure-alls, however, and considerable care should be given to: (1) deciding if you need one, (2) selecting the best system (or personal computer) for your business, (3) selecting the most relevant software for your needs, and (4) ensuring that you can easily operate the system.

It has been said that to err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer. No matter how many or what type computers your business may have, they are machines and subject to failure. Make sure you back up your computer files!

Use a tape drive or a Zip drive to back up all the data and programs on your computers or on your network computer. There are many brands available so the four things you need to compare are price, features, compatibility and ease of installation.

Here are a couple more backup tips:

1) It is great to backup your system, but if you leave the disk lying next to the computer, and then have it destroyed, it will not do you much good. Store your backup disk away from your computer and even outside the office if concerned about fire.

2) Back up your system regularly. Can you afford to lose a months data since your last backup? A weeks data?

3) Remember that backups are machines also, and if your data is so important that you could not do without it, consider the old fashion way, printing.

It pays to be cautious when it comes to the lifeblood of your business--information. There is NOTHING worse then trying to install new software and having your computer has turned into a creature from hell on you. Here are a few tips to help limit your chances of business interruptions or data loss disasters AND help you keep on a friendly basis with your computer.

Make sure you back everything up first. Before installing any software program, operating system or upgrade, perform a complete backup of your current system. This step is extremely important when the software you're installing affects or replaces your operating system. Include everything, especially software you may not wish to install separately should the need arise. Be sure to include all system files and any work files that could become lost or damaged.

If in doubt--use a professional. Don't try to "go it alone." It's far better to seek assistance than to risk damaging or destroying equipment or files or crashing your system.

You may be tempted to put off upgrading or buying new equipment-after all, every year, the machines get more powerful, and the options more plentiful. But if you wait, you trade the dollars you save for the price of slower performance and possibly fewer software choices. So when should you upgrade your equipment? Here are some guidelines:

The basic rule of thumb is this: Start with what you want to accomplish. If your computer doesn't do it well, it's time to look at new solutions.

If obsolescence is a concern, be comforted by the fact that you don't have to upgrade every time a manufacturer makes an improvement. Assess key improvements-such as faster modems, improved processors, and better monitors-that truly impact performance and go from there. And if you dont want to invest in a whole new system, upgrading individual components such as your computer's memory, processor, and hard disk can be an affordable way to boost your PC's performance-and your productivity.

Dr. James A. McCain is a Management Consultant in Rexford, New York and may be reached at Business Works, 518-383-3337, or through his web site at Blog26554
Alethea Blog48461

Hiring a San Francisco Moving Company: What to Consider

Moving is becoming a fact of life. This is because a large number of individuals make the decision to move, each year. If you are planning on relocating now or in the near future, you may want to think about using a professional moving company. If you are planning on moving to or from the San Francisco area, you may want to hire the services of a San Francisco moving company.

When it comes to hiring the services of a San Francisco moving company, it is easier said than done. Unfortunately, there are too many individuals who feel that it is easy to hire a professional mover. While this may be true, you should not hire the first San Francisco moving company that you come across. Instead, you are advised to examine all of your available options. This includes researching and examining a number of different San Francisco moving companies. This research may take some time, but, in most cases, you will find that it pay offs in the end.

When it comes to researching and examining San Francisco moving companies, there are a number of different methods that you could use. One of those methods involves contacting the San Francisco moving company that you would like more information. This can easily be done by contacting the moving company directly. To do this, you will need to acquire the moving companys contact information. Once you have obtained that information, you are advised to place a phone call to their main office.

In addition to directly contacting the office of a San Francisco moving company, you should also be able to research and examine that company by visiting their online website, if they have one. To find the website of a professional moving company, you will want to perform a standard internet search. If that company has an online website, that website should appear in your search results. Once you are at the website of a San Francisco moving company, you should be able to find important information. If you have any additional questions, you should be able to email or call the moving company for answers.

When examining a San Francisco moving company, you will want to determine exactly how much their service will cost. To obtain the exact cost of service, you may need to offer a little bit of information. That information should include how much stuff you have to move and where you plan on moving to. If you do not know how much you are bringing with you or where you plan on moving to yet, you may want to wait until you have that information. Without this detailed information, you may only be provided with an inaccurate estimate.

It is also important to consider the services that are offered by the San Francisco moving company of your choice and the amount of time it will take them to move you. These factors are all important, especially when it comes to finding a reputable San Francisco moving company to do business with.

Ted Garvin is a writer for where you can find the best San Francisco Moving Company around, and other related information.Ame Blog66611
Carrissa Blog97830

The .com Alternative

Its no secret that domain names are the new real estate, so that could explain why the domain name youre trying to register isnt available for registration using the .com extension.

Dont worry about that! There is an investment quality extension available that is an outstanding alternative to the .com tld. You dont need to register your domain name in the .com extension in order for your online presence to be a success.

The extension I speak of is the .cc cctld. This extension was originally the country code top level domain for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, but since the islands sold their rights to the .cc extension to boost their economy, the .cc is available to anyone, anywhere in the world. Like the .com, the .cc is a universal domain name extension.

The .cc closely resembles the .com in appearance, and is only about $10 more than a .com registration. This is excellent when compared to other cctld registration prices, and aftermarket .com prices. You can register a .cc at for $19.99!

With each passing day, the .cc is getting more and more exposure, and while there are still many great keyword domain names available, it wont be long until all the best names are registered, so act quickly to secure your domain, or domain names.

As an investor, and developer of the .cc extension, I have begun using the .cc in more and more of my development projects. If youre worried that the .cc wont get the same respect from the search engines as the .com dont worry. The extension of a domain name has nothing to do with the success or failure of your website or business that is all in the advertising and marketing of your business, and that is another article.

Some of my recent .cc development projects include,, and The reason I decided to start developing these keyword rich .cc domains was because they were actually getting a wealth of natural type-in traffic. More proof that people are using, and exploring this amazing extension.

If youre looking for more information, or a place to discuss the .cc extension, stop by the only online forum dedicated to the .cc extension - at Speculator is a growing community of buyers, sellers, developers, and investors of the .cc extension. also has a marketplace forum where you can list your .cc domain names for sale, or place wanted ads. Youll also find ongoing threads of available .cc domain names which can help you find great names to register.

Jennnifer Chiera is the Co President of Extradius Inc., a creative investing company with a focus on domain names & web development, and real estate. Jennifer is also the author of Blog, Domain Bash, and site administrator at the discussion forum.Candi Blog10195
Ariana Blog67968

Cisco CCNA Certification Exams Retiring In November - Get Certified Now!

If youre working on the Cisco CCNA right now, or even thinking about it, there are changes coming to the CCNA program in November that you need to know about. No reason to worry, these changes are all good news for CCNA candidates.

And the first bit of good news is that you have plenty of time to take and pass the current CCNA exams. In this article, I will outline several advantages to taking the CCNA plunge now before these changes take effect.

The current CCNA exam (640-801) will not be phased out until November 6, which gives you more than enough time to get CCNA certified before then -- even if you havent started studying yet! Those of you who want to take the two-exam path to CCNA certification should know that the 640-811 ICND and 640-821 INTRO exams will be phased out on that same date.

Ciscos taking the approach that the CCNA certification is no longer an entry-level certification, and this is a welcome change for CCNAs and CCNA candidates alike. I have been writing CCNA ebooks and teaching CCNA courses for several years, and Ive always refused to call this an entry-level certification.

The new CCNA exam (640-802) looks to be even more demanding than the current exam, which is another reason to pick up the pace and get certified now! Here are just some of the new topics youll find on the 640-802 exam:

* Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
* Switch security
* IP Version 6
* Router security
* Virtual Private Networks
* Wireless routing and more

Add these to the topics already found on the current CCNA exam, and you can see that the new CCNA exam will be even more demanding than the current version.

If you choose the two-exam path for the CCNA certification after November 6, youll need to take two ICND exams ICND 1 (640-822) and ICND 2 (640-816). This is much tougher than the current path because the INTRO exam will be a thing of the past after November 6! (Passing the ICND 1 exam will earn you the new Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician certification, Ciscos new entry-level certification.)

The CCNA will be even more valuable with these changes, so again, even if youve even been thinking about earning the CCNA now is the time!

The new CCNA exams will actually be available on August 1, but again, I want to emphasize that the current CCNA exams will be available through November 6. My advice to those who want to get CCNA certified before the change is to book your exam now, make sure you choose the right exam number and get started studying!

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage ( Blog3116
Brynne Blog22048

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