Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Power Of Words

Have you heard the expression Be careful what you wish for - youll most likely get it? Id like to expand on that by adding not only are your thoughts critical to the manifestation of your reality so are your words.

Its not what you say but how you say it

There are words you most likely use each and every day which are perfectly acceptable in common conversion and yet can have detrimental effects on the manifestation of your reality. Your thoughts along with the words you choose to convey those thoughts sets up vibrations that are constantly being sent out to time and space around you. Like attracts like so naturally you begin to draw toward you those vibrations that match your frequency at a particular point in time space. You may not realize it but you are a magnet attracting those events toward you that ultimately manifest your reality. What this means for you is that you not only have to choose your thoughts carefully but also your verbalization of those thoughts.

Take for instance three very common words that we all use regularly in our everyday speech: dont, wont and cant. Realistically you could add additional words to the list such as no and try but these four letter words just seem to have a better ring to them dont you think?

So what is it about these words that make them so undesirable and detrimental to our well being? For starters they are words of exclusion. When you say these words you are conveying to the universe events or experiences you do not want in your life. Source energy however, doesnt understand the difference between like and dislike, positive or negative, right or wrong and quite frankly it doesnt care. Its job is not to judge but to deliver that upon which you focus your predominate thoughts. This is the basis of the universal Law Of Attraction which implies that you draw towards yourself, for better or for worse, those events that match the frequency of your predominate thoughts. It stands to reason then that instead of declaring what you dont want or wish to exclude why not frame it in terms of what you do want or wish to include? Start attracting towards you that which you do want instead of that which you dont want and watch how your reality manifests itself.

For example:

Johnny dont spill your milk, becomes, Johnny please drink your milk.

We want Johnny to drink his milk. No encouragement for spilling is necessary.

I cant figure this out, its too complicated, becomes, I enjoy a challenge and I will find the answer to this problem.

If you think you can or think you cant your right.

I wont go out with men that are losers, becomes, I appreciate the company of intelligent, sensitive and confident men.

Do you see the difference?

By thinking and speaking of excluding undesirables you inadvertently draw attention to it and thus draw it closer to your reality. Remember, always think and talk about what you do want, can have and will do and not what you dont want, cant have and wont do.

During the course of a typical day how many times do you think and talk about those events that imply dont, cant or wont? Include the many other words that have a similar effect like no and you get the idea. In reality precisely the opposite effect of your intentions are being manifested. The next time you find this happening to yourself try this simple exercise to empower your thinking and get you back on track towards manifesting the reality you truly desire. Just stop thinking! For a short time that is. The next time you find yourself experiencing events and emotions which are not empowering to you stop those thoughts and force your thinking to those thoughts that you find empowering. Any thought that makes you feel good is an empowering thought. When you feel good about yourself and the world around you then you know youre on track with your thinking.

Heres a simple, easy and quick aid to help straighten out your thinking. Ask yourself this question: What is my next thought going to be? and then wait. Focus all of your attention on the arrival of your next thought and nothing else. It may take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more before you experience your next thought. However long it takes thats okay. You just pressed your minds reset button and it might take a little while to boot back up so to speak. Notice any difference in your thoughts? Now concentrate on your empowering thoughts or the feel good thoughts. The power of the right words flowing from your mouth as a result of your empowering thoughts automatically attracts toward you the reality that you truly desire to manifest.

It takes time, patience and practice to become proficient in mastering your thoughts but its worth it and youre definitely worth it. Besides youll enhance your well being by being the best you can be.

To your continued prosperity,

Mike Manjin

Mike Manjin presents advice on self improvement and personal fullfillment. To discover more about powerful success principles please visit or for more information email him at Blog40908
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